You Can Be PropOne Professional Applicator Too 0

All boat owners agree that propeller is a vital part of the boat. In long terms sense, if treated correctly, the benefits of PropOne is a great antifouling paint that is a small investment with a lot of long-term benefits; which include increased speed, more fuel efficient and better overall propeller health.
PropOne was formally known as PropGold, it is the same products, just a different brand name... PropOne is a latest generation non-biocidal foul release coating, which prevents sealife adhering to it. It has been developed ... [READ MORE]
Unlike some generic "professional" prop antifouling system which should be applied by a "recognised" qualified applicator only, PropOne can be apply by boat owners themselves if follow the correct preparation and application instructions. Taking shortcuts will significantly reduce the durability and longevity of the system. PropOne doesn't require any special equipment in its application. All you need is a good sander, some 80 - 120 grit sandpaper wet & dry, plenty of rags, disposable gloves, eye protection, disposable brushes etc.
The application of PropOne requires some short planning. Make sure you have installed and taped over all anodes. Let the person who is helping you that you are doing the PropOne and avoid any unnessary contamination by the "helping hands".
The application of PropOne can be broken down into four seperate stages:
- Surface Preparation
- Surface Cleaning
- Primer Application
- Clear Coat Application

Boat owners using dive service / boat-boy should inform their diver that PropOne has been applied to the propeller or any other areas, so that they can use the proper cleaning methods to avoid damaging to the PropOne system.
So, are you Ready for PropOne?
Click this LINK to purchase the PropOne online or contact our Sales or LINE us at @eastmarineasia for further information. Wholesale price available.

- Scott Bradley
- Tags: Antifouling Propeller PropGold PropOne PropSpeed